
Agricultural Production and its Implications on Economic
Growth and Poverty Reduction


The objective of the study was to analyze the magnitude of factors affecting Agricultural
Production and its implications on Gross Regional Production (GRP) Growth and Poverty
Panel data from 6 provinces of center production of paddy of Indonesia for 10 years (2007-
2016) were analyzed by Path Analysis method. Productivity of Agricultural Land and
Wetland Area has a very strong relationship with Agricultural Production. The productivity
of Agricultural Land is the dominant factor and has the significant effect on Agricultural
Agricultural Production has no significant effect on GRP growth rate. Agricultural
Production has not been able to reduce poverty. GRP growth rate has the significant effect
and is the dominant factor for poverty reduction.
Based on the finding of the research, government policy programs for poverty reduction in
rural areas can be done by improving agricultural cultivation technology, the extent of
wetland area, increasing of agriculture-based industries and the provision of poverty
reduction programs budget.




Farming management is done because management is the ability of farmers to plan,
organize and control the factors of production that they control as well as they are and
can provide the expected agricultural production. The measure of management success
is the productivity of each factor as well as the productivity of his effort. The problem of
the research is how the simultaneous and partial impact of labor variables, land area,
farmer competency, the experience of farming, the role of government and farmer
institutions to rice farming and how its performance through productivity analysis and
R/C ratio. Primary data analysis using OLS multiple regression. The results of the
analysis were obtained simultaneously that labor variables, land area, farmer
competency, the experience of farming, the role of government and farmer institutions
significant effect on productivity with a coefficient of determination of 56,9%. The
farmer competency variable is the dominant factor that affecting productivity with a
Beta value of 56,9%. R/C ratio value 1,90, it means that farming is done efficiently by
farmers. Optimum productivity is achieved in farming with an area of more than 1
hectare. The research finding of this study is that farmer competency is a determinant
of productivity in the management of rice farming.




The purpose of this study was to determine (1) the simultaneous and partial influence of
soybean price, consumption of tofu tempeh, the exchange rate of the rupiah against the
US dollar, and interest rates factors on MSMEs income, (2) dominant factors on tofu
tempeh MSMEs income and (3) the effect of tofu tempeh MSMEs income on the
Province GRDP. This research is a quantitative study with a purposive method of
determining research areas and a quarterly time series secondary data analysis method
from 2009-2019 using OLS Multiple Regression. The analysis shows that all variables
simultaneously have a significant effect on MSME income. Partially, the variables that
have a significant positive effect on the income of tofu tempeh MSME are soybean
prices, consumption of tofu tempeh and the exchange rate, while interest rates have a
negative effect. The coefficient of determination of 96% with the magnitude of the
determinant partially from the largest in the sequence is the consumption of tofu
tempeh, soybean prices, exchange rates, and interest rates, there is no dominant factor.
MSMEs income proxy with recursive income has a significant positive effect on
Provincial GRDP with a determinant coefficient of 55%. The research findings are that
MSMEs are resistant to fluctuations in exchange rates and contribute greatly to the

Poverty Reduction Models: Indonesian Agricultural Economic Approach



The geographic conditions of the Indonesian archipelago vary greatly, causing differences in climate, soil fertility, compatibility with plant species and productivity and its availability. Differences in cultivation techniques and staple food among regions also affect people’s choices in meeting the dietary and food.Panel data from 33 provinces for 10 years (2007-2016) were analyzed by Path Analysis method. In the economics determinant, the decrease of Rice Prices, the decrease of Consumer Prices Indexed on Foodstuff, the increase of Government Expenditure will strengthen Food Security. In the non-economics determinant, the decrease of Food Availability will strengthen Food Security. Food Availability is the dominant factor to Food Security.The findings of this study are to reduce poverty need to strengthen food security. Government policies in spending budgets, rice price stability and inflation, and strengthening of domestic rice production need to be understood within the framework of Indonesia’s geographical diversity.Keywords

The Effect of Jajar Legowo Planting System on Ciherang Paddy Varieties



Intensification on paddy is done one of them by setting the spacing. This study aims to examine the effect of spacing system on growth and paddy production. The research was conducted in Bojongmangu Village, Bekasi Regency, West Java Province. The study used an experimental method  Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) with 1 factor that is   planting system, namely tegel  system 20 cm x 20 cm, tegel system  25 cm x 25 cm , jajar legowo 2:1 (25×12,5×50 ) cm, jajar legowo 4:1 full (25 x12,5×50 ) cm, jajar legowo 4:1 free space (25 x12,5×50 ) cm, and jajar legowo 6:1 (25×12,5x 50) cm. Each treatment is repeated   3 times. The results showed that jajar legowo planting system 2:1 gives the number of panicles per clump, number of grains per panicle, weight of 1000 grains and the average yield per hectare is highest, followed by jajar legowo 4:1 full planting system

Keywords: Jajar Legowo, Planting System

Association of the Zinc Content in Hair of School-age Children with the Types of Soil, Age, Sex, Weight and Height in Indonesia


Abstract: Background: Zinc deficiency, especially in infants and young children has received global attention. Zinc deficiency is the 5th leading cause of death and disease in the developing world. Zinc has emerged as the most widespread micronutrient deficiency in soils and crops worldwide, resulting in severe yield losses and deterioration in nutritional quality. Materials and Methods: This study was carried out on hair samples of as many as 329 school-aged children (5.5-14 years) residing in eight villages in the provinces of West Java and Banten, Indonesia. There were three types of soil in the research location, namely Entisol, Inceptisol and Alfisol. Hair samples of each child were collected and the age, sex, weight and height, as well as the residence or location of the village were recorded and measured. The Zn content in the hair was measured using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). Results: Chi-squared test was used to test the associations with the following trends: Between the Zn content levels in the hair and types of soil, a significant association was shown with a p = 0.019 (<0.05), between the Zn content levels in the hair and sex, a significant association was shown with a p = 0.015 (<0.05), however, between age and the Zn level, height and the Zn level and weight and the Zn level, significant associations were not found (p = 0.092, 0.181 and 0.291, respectively). Conclusion: The level of Zn in the hair of school-aged children was determined by the type of soil where they live. There was an association between sex and the Zn level in the hair. However, there was no association between age and the Zn level, height and the Zn level and weight and the Zn level.

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